Why Is My Dad So Serious and Mean? I Am So Angry!!!?

Question by : Why is my dad so serious and mean? I am so angry!!!?
He screams and yells. He says its his voice and I’m not even a teenager yet and he pushes me too far. I am on the computer playing a normal game and it is like elder kids and he screams above his lungs, “DON’T PLAY THAT OR YOU’LL GET ADDICTED TO GAMBLING WHEN YOU’RE OLDER AND YOU’LL START DRINKING ALCOHOL!” And he brings up a really stupid subject like that. WTF IS THIS LOAD OF CRAP?! And I can’t bother typing the rest or I’ll just smash the computer down. He even calls me an idiot and he yelled today and a lot yesterday. He’s been yelling since I was 3 or 4 and I remember well. I NEED HELP!! Please answer this question so I can calm down!! Sorry about the long information but I find it too hard being the crappy only child. I wish I can share these problems only if I had a true friend or my mom would care. :'(

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Answer by sampath teja

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