What Is the Probability of Dying From Withdrawal From Alcohol “Cold Turkey”?

Question by Waylon: What is the probability of dying from withdrawal from alcohol “cold turkey”?
I am 25 years old and seemingly in decent shape. I’m in a point of my life graduating from school with my bachelor’s degree and don’t want to get into trouble with the police or mess up but can’t take the time out for treatment. I can deal with the anxiety if I only know the facts.

I just want to be a good person and not let people down, I have been lucky so far
My pulse goes above 100 bpm and my blood pressure is in the 160/90 range sober.
I drink 1-2 liters of vodka a day and don’t want this life. I want to be a good person with a family one day.I also can’t sleep sober. I want to get out of this snare and know I have the strength but I’m wondering at this age if it is dangerous to do it without medical supervision
I do feel as if I’m dying when going through withdrawal.
I want to solve this problem now before I ruin my life, I’m going to take your word and thank you
Is it possible to die at 25 from alcohol withdrawal? I am not afraid of seeking help but I feel I can do it on my own. I also feel my life would be a lot better without it, I have the motivation

Best answer:

Answer by Harley Drive
zero , you might feel like you are dying but it would be extemely rare and the cold turkey would not be the cause , same for all drugs

Answer by Jean
no doctor would ever recommend you go cold turkey either for drink or drug withdrawal, my friends boyfriend decided on cold turkey then went it too a fit banged his hd when he went the fit started and ended up in a coma for 5weeks. there is medication available to help with the symptons of withdrawal esp not being able to sleep, its not pleasant. both your blood pressure and pulse are very high for someone so young, heart attacks are so much more likely when you have high blood pressure. it should be 120/80 with a pulse of probably between 70/80 then you have the risks of any liver damage due to your high intake of spirits. go see your doc for medical advice before attempting anything, you have one thing in your favour and thats recognising you need to quit, plus it sounds like you have come off it before. you will enjoy life so much more, i had a drink problem for 13yrs and ive now been sober for 17yrs so it can be done, my life sober is thousand per cent better than my drunken life. im very lucky in achieving this, hope you get lucky too. take care

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