VERY SICK BABY: Vomiting, Diarrhea, Etc. Doctor Didn’t Help?

Question by J C: VERY SICK BABY: Vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Doctor didn’t help?
My 1 year old son is sick. He started vomiting 3 days ago so took him to hospital. They gave him a drug, I think it’s called Zyfar or Zafor.

But now at home, the baby continually is nautious, and vomits and has constant diarrhea.

I’d prefer not to go back into the hospital as a friend just died and an Uncle died a few months ago due to wrongful treatment in hospital.

Are there any herbal and holistic treatments I can try.

NOTE: I’m watching him for dehydration, etc but would like to stop the vomiting and diarrhea.
UPDATE: The drug they urged me to give him is called Zofran. Sorry I misspelled it earlier.

I’ve since learned (via the web, if my source is accurate) that Zofran costs about $ 27 for a few ounces, while a hospital stay could have cost $ 2000+. ALthough my son has insurance, my insurance is notorious for paying slowly and fighting some hospital costs, thus, I wonder if hospitals are trying to save costs and increase profits by prescribing Zofran to infants?!

Re my son, I’m headed out to buy pedialyte, pepermint, ginger, etc. Also may put son in hospital for IV if he starts to look dehydrated.

Life is so fragile, imagine if I were in a 3rd world country, where kids die just because parents can’t afford basic treatments, etc. What a sad world.

Pray for my son please, and the other sick children of the world.
Also, will be leaving all sheets, pillow cases, etc in washing machine while I shop for the herbs.

THANKS to you all for your advice and feedback.
GREAT NEWS. Mixed Mint, Golden Seal, Ginger, Slippery Elm (half the recommended drops that a child of approximately 3 yrs old would get since my son is slightly over 1 year old.)

I gave him a few ounces. Then within about 20 minutes followed up with another few ounces and finally after about an hour gave him a double dose.


Thanks for your advice.

The hospital claimed that the ZOFRAN would stop vomitting but it only made the matter worse. I must really go more holistic in my family.

Anyway THANKS and stay strong and wise. 🙂

BTW: The herbs totalled about $ 40 but may have saved my son’s life.

Best answer:

Answer by cindyunion
Yeah, be sure to give baby lots of fluids so he has something to throw up. Also, it could be a bug from some bad food-left in the fridge too long? Served to him without proper handwashing? That kind of thing. Babies usually are able to fight illness like this if they nursed during their first few months. Say a little prayer and keep his fever at a reasonable level (try not to make it disappear since fever is there to help fight the infection). Let us know when he gets better.

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