The Economy and Drug or Alcohol Dependence

An overwhelmingly increasing number of drug and alcohol dependence cases are reported every day. The most common contributing factor to drug and alcohol dependence is stress. In this current economic recession, the unemployment rate is increasing rapidly and hard working individuals are unexpectedly losing their jobs.

For some who are unable to cope with the resulting financial and emotional stress, drugs offer a medium of relaxation… but at what cost?

The false sense of pleasure (or relaxation) that comes from abusing drugs or alcohol replaces the opportunity to adapt to different levels of stress. Also, an individual who is using drugs or alcohol to cope will gradually experience in increase in tolerance level, which means that his or her drug/alcohol intake will also need to increase to achieve the same level of relaxation.

Aside from the risk of overdose, drug and alcohol dependency is dangerous and destructive on many levels. Drug or alcohol addiction result in further financial problems, emotional problems, relationship problems, social problems, work or school problems, and health problems.

Drug or alcohol dependence is a disease, and to be treated properly one must seek the appropriate treatment for addiction as well as any contributing factors. A quality rehab center will not only detoxify and provide counseling to help a person curb his or her habits, but will also assist with educational or job training, and in some cases even job placement.

If you, or somebody you know, are dependent on drugs or alcohol… you can get help. Please contact your local addiction treatment center to regain control of your life.

For more details please visit us at: Drug Treatment Center California and Alcohol Rehab Center California

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