
Signs of Meth Abuse

The discovery someone you care about is using meth is heart breaking. The signs of use are easy to identify if you know what to look for. You will notice definite change in behavior. Meth is a stimulant, it heightens the senses, and a feeling of well being is experienced.… Continue reading

Drug Abuse Help: Detecting Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse in Someone You Love – What Do You Do?

If you suspect someone you know to have a substance abuse problem this article will help you figure out what to look for. In general, people start binge drinking to cope with some sort of emotional issues they have going on. Sometimes these kinds of issues are triggered by a… Continue reading

Teenage Drug Abuse: The Cough Syrup High Called Robotripping

Teenage drug abuse and teenage alcoholism ruin a teen’s life and tears their family apart. The teenage years are characterized by risk-taking behavior and impulsivity. An example of a teen experimenting with a different way to get high is chugging cough syrup in excessive amounts. This method of getting high… Continue reading

Drug Abuse: Drug Abuse and Treatment

Drug abuse rages rampant in our world today! Drug addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior. The brain’s structure and function are altered due to drug abuse and can result in changes that persist even after ceasing its use. This is one possible explanation… Continue reading

Codependence and Alcohol Abuse – Identifying Codependent Behavior and Coping Strategies

The harmful effects of a drinker’s alcohol addiction on the family are undeniable. Living with an alcoholic forces family members to adopt very predictable coping behaviors. In an effort to deal with the drinker, a family member may become “codependent”. This is someone who becomes attached to the addict and… Continue reading

Drug Abuse Addiction: A Misunderstood Problem

Too often people don’t truly comprehend the real reason why a person develops a drug abuse addiction or how drugs can alter their brain to stimulate compulsive drug abuse and addiction. They wrongly perceive this problem as something that is surely a social problem only and may discriminate those who… Continue reading

Alcohol and Drug Treatment: Drug Abuse and Our Society

Drug abuse blemishes the image of a prosperous society. Many capable youngsters are spoiling their lives by taking numerous harmful drugs. Is there a way to return to normalcy? Well! An alcohol & drug treatment can definitely improve the condition of a sufferer. By registering with alcohol rehab program, you… Continue reading

Alcohol Abuse Intervention: Alcohol Drug Intervention: Tough Love for the Addict and the Family

An alcohol drug intervention can be very productive if done correctly. When a drug addict or an alcoholic is actively using, it is hard to get them motivated to stop. You can beg and plead with them and explain the dangers of addiction and point out the addict’s behaviors, but… Continue reading

Cocaine Abuse – Fact, Fiction and the Truth

Cocaine, blow, white powder or snow is a derivative made from coca leaves, is used to addict and take money from the rich and poor. What can you do to help another break their coke addiction and regain their lives? This is how to get through to someone even if… Continue reading

Abuse of Non-Controlled Substances Grows

Abuse of non-controlled substances grows

Filed under: cocaine abuse effects

Bowlin said the drug, initially designed and still used as a blood pressure medication, is sometimes mixed with opiates to enhance the analgesic effects of the drugs in a hospital setting. But she said the inexpensive pills are an easy… Continue reading

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