Drug Abuse Help: Detecting Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse in Someone You Love – What Do You Do?

If you suspect someone you know to have a substance abuse problem this article will help you figure out what to look for. In general, people start binge drinking to cope with some sort of emotional issues they have going on. Sometimes these kinds of issues are triggered by a major event that may have occurred. Maybe this person got laid off, maybe there was a death, their partner left them, or maybe they just don’t feel good about themselves. The latter is most commonly associated with teenagers. If you know of some sort of major event that occurred in your person’s life then alcohol abuse may be the solution that they have chosen for themselves.

It is important to know that alcohol abuse and being an alcoholic is not the same thing. An alcoholic abuses alcohol; however, not all people that abuse alcohol are alcoholics. It is important to distinguish the two so that you know that people that abuse alcohol can eventually find themselves addicted and dependent on it; thus, becoming an alcoholic, but they are not yet at that point. It is important that you catch this kind of behavior early and try to talk to them about it.

The best way to determine whether someone is abusing alcohol or not is to monitor their drinking habits. One glass of wine a day can’t really be considered alcohol abuse but if it is any more than that, you are definitely looking at signs of abuse. When you find that people are drinking too much, too often you know there is a problem. It’s when drinking too much, too often starts to effect this persons work, relationships, health, and responsibilities that you should be concerned.

Furthermore, in order to be considered alcohol abuse, this person doesn’t have to drink everyday. If they just drink three days out of the week, but consume a great amount of alcohol in those three days then they have an alcohol abuse problem as well. If they are incredibly drunk or blacking out three nights out of the week they have a problem that should be closely monitored and you should talk to them about it. Let them know that you are worried and ask them to limit their proportions.

A good way to bring it up to them is in an indirect way so that they don’t get a defensive attitude. Bring it up as a challenge. Let them know that you want to start limiting your own drinking to be more healthy and that you would like to have a partner.

Work together to set a goal and celebrate in a way that doesn’t involve alcohol when you guys achieve it.

For more information on alcohol abuse help go to AddictsApple.com

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St. John Vianney’s writings about the Blessed Virgin Mary put on the screen. The purpose of this little feature is to explain how important the Blessed Virgin Mary is to Christians… St. John Vianney was a miracle man, whose prayers obtained the greatest of requests by the poor and hopeless. The people of today have more problems than the world has ever seen, if only they would turn to Mary, everything would work out.



Research Report Series: Therapeutic Community

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Research Report Series: Therapeutic Community

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