Q&A: How Do I Overcome These Addictive/obsessive Feelings?

by techne

Question by Mkenna: How do I overcome these addictive/obsessive feelings?
OK, now, I have recently become addicted to youtube and its many channels…..

Needless to say, I am addicted. I feel bad when I go on youtube and stay on until the wee hours of the morning, but that isn’t the worst part.

The worst part is that I feel “withdrawal” symptoms when I’m not on youtube. All I can think about is logging on and watching videos. How do I deal with this addiction

And yes, I am a freak, so I know you’re thinking that.
I do hang out with friends, and I’ve been taking steps to not use the computer

But when I’m with my friends, all I can think about is youtube 🙁

Best answer:

Answer by Nicholas
Turn off your computer for a while
Get a hobby maybe
Hang out with friends more

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