Does Drug Rehab Work? the Treatment Center
Does Drug Rehab Work? The Treatment Center — Call (877) 446-1342 for a confidential consultation. http://blog.thetreatmentcen…
Behavioral Health Expert Ben Brafman Moderates Discussion on Dual Diagnosis
Held at Park Shore in Hallandale Beach, Florida , the healthcare roundtable discussion brought together experts from various addiction and mental health… Continue reading
Should Sex Ed Be Taught at School or at Home?
Question by Harlems Star: should sex ed be taught at school or at home?
some people think that it is the sole responsibility of parents, not of teachers, to give children information about sex. They say that education is a private matter and it does not belong in schools. Others… Continue reading
What Is the Fuss With Omega Fatty Acid?
Question by Call: What is the fuss with Omega Fatty Acid?
How much is good for you (in mg)?
What benifits, risks?
What Authorities, universities, doctors have confirmed these benifits or risks?
Where can you find these source?
Is there any benifit to buying baby formula with… Continue reading
Senator DeSaulnier, A.G. Harris – SB809 Prescription Drug Abuse PC 4-15-13
Senator DeSaulnier, A.G. Harris – SB809 Prescription Drug Abuse PC 4-15-13 — Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) and California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, along with prescription drug abuse awareness advocates and law enforcem…
'Marijuana Smoking Style' Has Largest Impact On Addiction Risk
"No drug use is without risk," lead author… Continue reading
Global Drug Survey on Sky News
Global Drug Survey on Sky News — Dr Adam Winstock, founder of Global Drug Survey gets across some simple & effective harm reduction strategies on a national news programme.
Georgia May Take Lead On Drug Tests For Food Stamps
Georgia could soon be the first state in the nation to… Continue reading
Intervention S05-E01 Dan – Alcohol Abuse 01/03
Intervention S05-E01 Dan – Alcohol abuse 01/03 — Website: To the outside world, the life of 40-year-old Dan may seem ideal. Dan is married to a supp…
Alcohol abuse campaigner caught twice over limit
A FORMER alcohol misuse campaigner who was found drunk behind the wheel of her car… Continue reading
Uncle Needs a Drug Abuse Rehab Centers Around Bakersfield
Uncle Needs a Drug Abuse Rehab Centers Around Bakersfield — For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.
Jim Irsay arrest reports tell of cash, pills, erratic driving
In 2002 he admitted undergoing treatment for prescription drug abuse. BELL: Should NFL owners be drug tested? Irsay's oldest daughter, Carlie Irsay-Gordon, and… Continue reading
Pathetic Sleep Problem?
Question by Question: pathetic sleep problem?
I am 23 and just to let you know its my birthday today 🙂
anyways, I have had a very bad sleep pattern…
I feel TIRED after I wake up and during the day…I mean ALL THE TIME…
This is affecting my productivity in… Continue reading
Fountain Recovery
Fountain Recovery — Fountain Recovery is a residential treatment center is a cozy home located in a quiet neighborhood in Livermore, CA. Our resident have the benefit of a quiet…
Autism 'Patchwork' Begins During Pregnancy
Roosevelt's plan may have certainly been ahead of its time, particularly since there weren't that… Continue reading