Addiction Safety of Electronic Cigarettes Facts and Myths

Addiction Safety Of Electronic Cigarettes Facts And Myths

Debate about the safety of electronic cigarettes has continued since the product was first sold. Much of the information tossed about is factually incorrect but that hasn\’t stopped big tobacco and big pharma from spreading the rumors.

A trade association formed last year will represent e-cigarette provides and offer a collective voice that will focus on providing truthful information to the buying public about the safety factor of e-cigarettes. The FDA has given in to powerful tobacco lobbies and issued statements warning of the potential hazards posed by e-cigs. The FDA bases its theories on a non-scientific study of a limited number of e-cigarettes that indicated some of the products contained trace amounts of a dangerous chemical.

The FDA did not conduct followup testing or test to see if the same chemical was present in tobacco product. Although the statements made by the FDA were not factually incorrect they were also not scientifically proven but were conclusions based on a flawed example.

Consumers who wonder if electronic cigarettes are safe should consider that e-cigs contain 20 ingredients while tobacco cigarettes have 599 ingredients. When smoking tobacco you inhale more than 4000 chemical compounds. Claims are made that the additives in tobacco have been proven safe as food additives by the FDA. That is true as far as it goes. Those additives have not been tested for safety when burned and inhaled. Burning changes the chemical elements of some ingredients.

Association with smoking tobacco lays a mantle of guilt by association on nicotine. Studies over the years clearly show smoking tobacco can cause various types of cancer and increase the risk of heart disease. Tobacco smoke is also believed to decrease natural immunity in some users leaving them vulnerable to colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

When separated from tobacco, studies show nicotine itself does not promote cancer in healthy tissue. Long term use of nicotine has not presented any evidence of detrimental health effects. Nicotine is the property that addicts us to tobacco products. Nicotine is why we smoke but is not considered a risk to health.

You can buy nicotine stop smoking patches and gums at your local Walmart. Initially, the patches were only available with a doctor\’s prescription but years of wide usage with negligible side effects resulted in nicotine replacement products being freely available..

The best e-cigs deliver a measured dose of nicotine to the e-smoker. Nicotine is provided in a safe form that soothes the smoker\’s craving without the risks of smoking tobacco. The Royal College of Physicians stated they do not suspect adverse health effects will result from the long term use of nicotine.

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Mary Kay Rivers has become a true expert in the field of electronic cigarettes. Her articles “How do E-Cigs Work?” and on choosing the best electronic cigarette have become very famous.

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