Addiction Recovery at Hazelden’s Dan Anderson Renewal Center


Addiction Recovery at Hazelden’s Dan Anderson Renewal Center – This video provides a glimpse of what it is like to spend time at the Dan Anderson Renewal Center in Center City, Minnesota, through the experiences of people in recovery who have benefited from the weekend retreats or spending time in the Lodge program. Through their stay, they learned to strengthen, renew and enrich their recovery program. Each day brings an extraordinary individualized recovery retreat opportunity. Retreats are individualized with the help of the trained staff. Your stay can include daily presentations on the Twelve Steps and the Big Book, nutritious meals, optional holistic health services, hiking trails, morning and afternoon group reflection, meditations, and more. Learn about the Dan Anderson Renewal Center at For more information about Hazelden, please visit or call 800-257-7810.


How Mindfulness Practice is Basic to Recovery

Filed under: addiction recovery

Mindfulness practice is an important part of all addiction recovery but it is even more important in sex addiction recovery. In staying away from drugs and alcohol there are often specific external triggers that can be avoided. This is a way to keep …
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Author addresses addiction to help sow seeds of recovery

Filed under: addiction recovery

Catherine Yack's latest book on addiction, “Sowing the Seeds of Recovery,” is a revealing self-portrait about forgiveness and healing. She begins by retelling the story of her life from drug and alcohol addiction to recovery. It's a life drawn from …
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