Cheap Drug Could Save Tens of Thousands

Special Montgomery court helps veterans
A judge says that so far Mont­gomery’s veterans court, the first such court in the state, is doing just what it was meant to do — help vet­ erans deal with issues that affect them and help connect them with services that can help.

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Club Fed for Illegal Aliens | Thanks to their international “human rights” advocates, Gitmo detainees receive art therapy, movie nights and video games at their U.S. taxpayer-funded camp in Cuba. Now, the left’s bleeding heart lobby wants to provide similar taxpayer-sponsored perks to illegal alien detainees on American soil.

Read more on Jewish World Review

Cheap Drug Could Save Tens of Thousands
Study: Experts say a cheap drug could stop bleeding and save tens of thousands worldwide Health – Drugs – Substance Abuse – War on Drugs – Illegal

Read more on ABC News

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