Would You Choose a Natural Death Over “treatment”?

Question by Andrew: Would you choose a natural death over “treatment”?
I’m a 19 year old male diagnosed with ALL in July of 2007.

Four years I’ve been on this shit, and it’s been fours years of hell. I would of rather of died then gone through all of this but at the time I had no choice. My memory and concentration are FUBAR, steroids have messed up my adrenal system, and what for? So big pharma can market drugs that “cure” us? Yeah, ONLY IF THEY DON’T KILL US OR GIVE US CANCER A SECOND TIME.

I’m quitting my chemo early just to spite them, that I actually had a choice during this whole ordeal. Look, I know there are two ways to look at the situation, I can be glad I’m “living” or I can be pissed off about it. I don’t see how anyone who has gone through chemotherapy and experienced the side effects can really be happy knowing the drugs we inject into people do more harm than good, and how a select few profit from this. Anyone who doesn’t see how insane it is really needs to look closer. I really believe if a cure was found it would not be released to the public, seeing as how 5% of scientific research is independent now. The more people that are sick, the better, because THEY MAKE MORE MONEY.

They aren’t making any more off of me, fuck them.

I guess my question is, to people who haven’t been subjected to it, why would you choose chemo over dying a natural death? Cancer survivors are free to chime in and play the “your just angry” card.

Best answer:

Answer by Marcus
To be honest, I would choose treatment. A slight chance of a cure (the treatment) is better than a zero chance (no treatment).

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