Would It Be Safe to Take Ecstasy After Having a Depersonalization Like Experience the Last Time Using It?

Question by Paul: Would it be safe to take ecstasy after having a depersonalization like experience the last time using it?
SWIM (someone who isnt me) took ecstasy 4 weeks ago with a friend. During the binge SWIM smoked weed after popping a pill and had a depersonalization/disassociative/LSD like trip. It lasted about 4 hours. Extreme thoughts of non beloning, added with prolong moments of akward silence and confusionwas basically how the night went. SWIM was unable to make the differnce between reality and this place his mind was transported to. SWIM was wondering if he did ecstasy again, a really clean pill that his friends have done, will it induce these symptoms again? SWIM has read multiple threads of people going through this for MONTHS, and they did PURE MDMA powder (the safest way of doing ecstasy). If doing it again induces this, then yeah SWIM is never doing it again. Thanks for your opinions and please be honest. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Fransisco
It all depends on your mindset going into it and whether the E is actually pure. Cause I’m sure swim thought the E was pure in the story above…cause no one would take impure pills that’s just dumb. If the E’s pure and you are in a good setting than I’m sure you can have a great time

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