Why Women Are Easy Preys for Drug Addiction

Why Women Are Easy Preys For Drug Addiction

Women have for long played the multiple roles of being a home makers as well as act as the bread winners of the family in a good number of cases. This leads them to constant stress to cope with the responsibilities. It is a known fact that more you are tough, the easier it is to break you, for the underlying vulnerability is always masked by the toughness. Any emotional or physical disability is enough to cause turmoil so as to push them in the murk of vices such as addiction.

Causes of addiction in women

– Suppression of feelings or non exhibition of emotions causes most of the frustration in this era and is the root cause of innumerable problems. Especially in women it is rampant for they neglect themselves in the wake of pleasing others.

– Whenever their arises a question of decision making in family circles in order to avoid arguments and disagreement they try to take a back stand by not putting forth their ideas and interpretation. The cultivation of such a habit produces lack of self confidence and ultimately they succumb to the crisis and resort to activities detrimental to their health.

– The women get easily emotionally attached to parents, partners, children and family. Any event that effects these relations also produces mental strain for the female representative of the family.

– They are easily affected by loss of dear ones like parents, siblings, child, lover or life partner and in this escapade from situations and mental agony take up addiction.

– Some female have to face the brunt of emotional traumas right from childhood days like divorced parents, sexual abuse, bad marital relations, unreciprocated love etc. This repeated emotional infliction by the society creates resentment towards everyone and in an attempt to take revenge and forget the past they take up drug addiction.

– Working women are prone to take to addiction from peer pressure. Also we find them sharing problems with colleagues who introduce them to addiction to get away from the problems at home and work place. Competition, late working hours, target jobs etc lead to strain in their personal life.

– Physical disabilities confining a person to bed can lead to addiction to the prescribed drugs as they obtain momentary relief from their agony.

The women are like beacons in our lives and need more attention and we can hardly ever forget to show appreciation to their overtures.

Jason Uvios writes about on Why women are easy preys for drug addiction to visit :- vicodin addiction, addiction treatment centers and cocaine addiction

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