Why Is Cannabis Illegal?

Anon M asked:

1. All the peer reviewed scientific studies prove it is safer than all the legal substances (alcohol and cigarettes) does not cause cancer (actually the studies say it has a mild “preventative effect” on tumour growths.)

2. It’s no more a gateway drug that ice cream is a gateway food to obesity,

3. It treats the side effects of serious illnesses better than any pharmaceutucal (in the case of AIDS, MS and Cancer chemotherapy)

4. Athletes use it the “down-phase” to relax muscles and renew energy for their next training sessions.

5. Nobody has ever died from smoking cannabis. If you think there has, you haven’t read the story to enough depth.

6. It is not physically addictive and is less psychologically addictive than caffiene.

7. The creative industries all hire designers and artists who smoke pot. Heck i’ll even bet that the guy who designed Yahoo answers has had a toke!

8. So the question remains, WHY is it illegal?

food addiction

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