Why Is Alcohol Technically Classified as a Legal Drug?

Question by someone: why is alcohol technically classified as a legal drug?
why is alcoholism considered to be a disease?

Best answer:

Answer by Tango
It’s a legal drug because when they tried to outlaw it during prohibition people could still make it at home using yeast. As they say “if you can’t beat them, join them”. It’s better that the government allow controlled access to alcohol, instead of the really low grade stuff made at home, which can have high levels of methanol, which makes you go blind and possibly die.

Alcoholism isn’t really a disease, medical people say that to help alcoholics cope and try to remove fault. Reality, alcohol addiction starts off as a personal choice and then becomes an addiction. Once it’s an addiction, it can have the same consequences as a disease, like organ failure (liver), shortened life span, etc. At this point it needs some form of treatment or the patient with die.

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