Why Is Adderall Considered Addictive?

Question by guyster: Why is Adderall considered addictive?
Adderall is a “class II” drug in the US, considered to have “high potential for abuse.” I took it for a while and it wasn’t addictive for me, and my doctor said none of his patients became addicted. I’ve never heard of *anyone* being addicted to it, yet it’s in the same class as Oxycontin, which I’ve heard of a *number* of people being addicted to. Does anyone understand this, or have they become addicted to Adderall?
Personally, I didn’t care for the side-effects; I’m not pro-Adderall, just curious.
To anyone who says it is addictive; back the claim up with proof. Name a single person who became addicted.
When I read about the “True Life” episode mentioned below, it uses words like “habit” and “abuse”, but not “addiction”.
KTK: Actually, I don’t have classic ADHD, and I found it too overstimulating, as you point out, so I don’t think that’s the reason.

Best answer:

Answer by Jeffrey Foster
Yes it is very addictive. Although It isn’t like Oxycontin at all.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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