Why Does the Government Continue to Say That Marijuana Has No Medical Value?

Question by burntblacktoast: Why does the Government continue to say that Marijuana has no medical value?
when its obviously helping so many people with so many horrible illnesses such as cancer, aids, multiple sclerosis, Nausea, Pain far better than any drug. It works and has no fatal dose unlike most prescription drugs which kill so many people that the government wants them to take. Several states already allowed this so called “medical marijuana”. Whats wrong with the Government for raiding those clinics and putting sick people in jail for taking their medicine thats helping them? Whats their problem? Whats the point of having the Federal Government waste time and money doing this when they could be going after terrorists, murderers, child molesters, guarding the borders, ect. What do you think of this? Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug while cocaine and meth is in schedule 2 meaning marijuana is worse than cocaine and meth and equally dangerous as heroin. Why is this?

Best answer:

Answer by Bub
Homeopathic pills also “help” people. What a crock.

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