Why Do Some People Abuse Thier Chilldren?

Question by Pearl: why do some people abuse thier chilldren?
Maybe there angry and or have alchol and drug problems but some dont and they just treat there kids like shit do you think it is because the child deserves it or is it the parent who has some kind of problem

Best answer:

Answer by manderin
No child EVER needs to be abused, whether or not their parents have alcohol or drug problems, or they are angry. Children are not born in this world to be treated that way, at all, ever. Parents are supposed to be the adults who teach their children the difference between right and wrong, good and bad..so by abusing, they are just idiots. Children need to be taught and abuse is never the answer.

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HR Bryan2.mov – Bryan went from being a gang leader to a model citizen. God used the Healing Rooms to bring deliverance from drug and alchol abuse, anger and self-destructiv…


Recent Accidents Put Spotlight On WV DUI Laws

Filed under: alchol abuse

Recent drunk driving crashes in West Virginia are putting a spotlight on the state's DUI laws. Under state law, you're legally drunk if your blood alchol content is .08 or above. For a first DUI offense, you could be … offender does prison time, the …
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