Which Type of “counseling” Does Not Require a Degree?
Question by Jaffa: Which type of “counseling” does not require a degree?
Counselor (for adults)
I read a long time ago that one of those (or one in the same field but not listed) does not require a degree for someone to do professionally. Essentially it is a professional therapist who talks with people about their problems, and is not required to have a degree in order to do it. However, I forgot the formal title of it.
Best answer:
Answer by Kay
They all require degrees. I don’t know anyone who would go to a type of counselor who didn’t have proper certification.
Answer by Messacheckabee
You need a master in psychology or similar and 2000-4000 hour as an intern to get a license to be a psychotherapist. Psychologists have a PhD and Psychiatrists are not counselors, they are specialised doctors with a medical degree.
Some states have something called licensed substance abuse counselor, you usually only need a bachelor and a year of experience to do that, but the titel is misleading, the therapy is still done by licensed therapists and you will not be able to do actual therapy.
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