What’s Your Definition of “abuse”?

Question by My Answers Suck: What’s your definition of “abuse”?
I hang out in celebrity section and notice a lot of people commenting on Chris Brown hitting Rihanna saying he abused her. To me, “abuse” means a habitual occurrence. For this argument we won’t get into whether or not he has done so in the past. So if he hits her on this one occasion — even if going overboard — does that constitute as “physical abuse”?

I was thinking if someone who has never had alcohol gets absolutely plastered one time, they are not considered as alcohol abusers. That term usually conjures up an addicted alcoholic. Same for drugs.

What do you think?
So Beyond Mordant, would you classify this as abuse? When I hear of spousal abuse, I think of battery on more than one occasion. Habitual offense. I can see how your definition would apply, though.

Best answer:

Answer by hatrickpatrick
What happened between Chris Brown and Rihanna was a fight / assault. “Abuse” cannot be a once off incident.

Add your own answer in the comments!




PSA – Alcohol Abuse ( Directed by Amani El Nouri )


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