What’s the Best Way to Quit Drinking Alcohol Besides AA ?
Question by alpha66: What’s the best way to quit drinking alcohol besides AA ?
Best answer:
Answer by grim reaper
You might not agree with this answer but here goes. Alot of you wanting to drink is mental right. I had the same problem. I had to have it. So what i did is this. When i wanted to drink, instead of giving in i grabbed a bottle of water or i did an activity. In time when i thought about drinking i naturaly just did something else, you know got my mind off of it. It worked for me but it might not for you but give it a shot.
Answer by raysny
There are other groups available, SOS, SMART, WFS, LifeRing, but if you’ve never been to AA, you haven’t been brainwashed into believing that you can’t do it on your own.
Most people (80% according to the Harvard Mental Health Letter) who decide to quit, just quit, with no outside help.
Here a list of practical tips:
There’s also this book that has helped many people quit:
“Rational Recovery: The New Cure for Substance Addiction”, by Jack Trimpey
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The English-Spanish helpline is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time. SAMHSA has a 24-hour hotline — 1-800-662-HELP (4357) — and a directory of more than 11,000 alcohol and drug addiction treatment facilities and programs …
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