Whats More Addictive Most of Street Drugs or Masturbation (Along With Pornography)?
Question by Raffaell: Whats more addictive most of street drugs or masturbation (along with pornography)?
Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said.
Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden’s concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography.
“Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance,” Satinover said. “That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can’t do, in effect.”
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Best answer:
Answer by XvXvXvX
I don’t think masturbation is something that significant, like as you get older you masturbate less frequently, A orgasm only lasts a few seconds, etc. Drugs on the other hand are really powerful on your brain and some people do drugs all day.
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