What Would Happen if a Person With an Iq Around 80 Smoked Weed?

Question by The Green Goblin: What would happen if a person with an iq around 80 smoked weed?
Would it harm the brain since its low already

Best answer:

Answer by PraoWolf
Might make them a bit dumber for awhile, until the weed wears off, and then they’ll be back to 80. Go read some science, they’ve shown that memory and intelligence is not affected by cannabis in long term settings, only short term such as the duration of the actual cannabis. There’s also been research to show that cannabis can actually help people with mental disorders. There’s been alot of good research done in the UK to that regard, for some reason here in the US there’s a massive stigma surrounding cannabis due to governmental propaganda (Reefer Madness, Drug war, etc) The initial push was to make it illegal because it was a predominant part in black culture in the 30-40’s. Then Vietnam brought a whole slew of hardcore drugs to the landscape, and it forever became entrenched and known as a “drug” which cannabis is NOT, it is a flower that grows on a plant. A drug is manufactured, like cocaine, crack, heroin, etc. Cannabis is not manufactured, it’s grown and cultivated, maybe you can consider the curing process manufacturing but that’s a stretch.

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