What Should I Do? I Feel Like I Have Adhd and Nobody Believes Me..?

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Question by Arturo A: what should i do? i feel like i have adhd and nobody believes me..?
i get money monthly from my dad maybe i can use some of this for help..
i really never had that many friends and sure never a best friend or nobody that i could everything that was really going on.. but theres a lot of strange behaviors that i feel and i never payed attention untill i met this girl with adhd and started relating my behavior to her and i started reading more about this and the more i read the more i feel identified.. its not stuff that happens once a month this happens everyday to me.. so i wikipedia this and this is always on my persona:

-forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
-Have difficulty focusing on one thing
-Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new
-Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
-Struggle to follow instructions.
-Be constantly in motion
-Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities.
-Be very impatient
-blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences

-Im also bipolar.. ALL my exs say i get really mad over stupid stuff and i cant really help it.. i try but i get an anxiety to be mad.
-i have OCD aswell and sometimes it bothers some people at school while doing group work

so when i met this girl she let me try one of her pills and it was a weird change.. i felt a feeling to “funcion” i dont do homework because im dumb i just find it pointless.. but that day i did HALF of the daily hw assignments we had since the beggining of the year.. it took me hours but i just felt “responsible”, the next day at school i took another one and i was really social, i was able to interact with people and i usually only talk to people when i need information from them.. but when i took the pill i was making friends and i liked the feeling of just interacting with people i didnt know and im usually scared or find 90% of people not so intresting.

The girl says i should get medical help and tell a doctor everything that happens to me.. i dont have med insurance or nothing.. i told my dad about this and he thinks im just being “lazy” well im really not i do stuff that i like and i dont do stuff i dont even if i have to its just there and if i try doing something i dont like i feel a weird anxiety.
so i know my dad its not on my side on this.. what can i do?
what kinda doctor do i go? how much is it in california?

Best answer:

Answer by Amy
you can call a mental health doctor or any doctor office and ask if you can be tested for adhd. once the test is completed i’m sure they can go over options with you.

Answer by Jerry
Questionairres for ADD or ADHD are at http://www.oneaddplace.com/add-test.php & http://addtestonline.com/ & http://psychcentral.com/ Go to : “QUIZZES AND TESTS: ADHD” & www.dore.com.au/

I don’t recommend any of the powerful, and addictive central nervous system stimulants. An increased incidence of abuse of cocaine, crack cocaine, crystal meth, and other amphetamines has been reported among users of Ritalin, and other amphetamine related medications, which may well predispose them to later abuse street drugs, with all the adverse consequence it entails. The only ADHD medication not in the stimulant family is Strattera, which is structurally related to the antidepressants, and carries risks, and side effects of its own.
Take at least 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or its FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.

Eat more in accordance with your “nutritional type”:- ( 20 question quiz http://www.naturalhealthcoach.com/tools ) or a book is at http://www.mercola.com/ and also enter “krill oil”, & “ADHD” in their searchbar. Eliminate, or minimise sugar use, replacing with xylitol, or stevia (health food stores). Avoid artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives, & MSG. Minimise highly processed grains, & alcohol use. Read: “The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet! A Comprehensive Look at Contributing Factors and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity” by Rachel Bell, and “Ritalin Is Not The Answer: A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD” by David B. Stein. You could try your bookstore, www.amazon.com , (also enter in their searchbar: “ADHD; natural treatments”).
For “HOW TO BEAT HYPERACTIVITY WITHOUT DRUGS Reversing ADD and ADHD in 20 days” Michael Sichel & Greta Sichel. 2001. Bookbound Publishing. ISBN 1 74011 010 2 go directly to: www.bookbound.com.au

Most people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or, quicker, cheaper, and more conveniently: http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com Manage ADHD, or: Perfect Partners: Manage ADHD + Improve Impulse Control, and/or: Perfect Partners: Improving Concentration and Focus + Don’t Get Distracted, & Classroom Fascination, & http://www.instant-hypnosis.com/ Attention Deficit Disorder SOME NATURAL PRODUCTS: View
http://www.asktheinternettherapist.com/shop3/scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=31 & http://www.add-care.com./
See http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/j.html for the webpage on the subject; this only contains a few short extracts.

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