What Is the Most Forgiving Alcohol You Can Drink as Far as Hang-Overs Are Concerned?

Question by Sunshyne: What is the most forgiving alcohol you can drink as far as hang-overs are concerned?
I wake up the next morning with a tremendous headache even if I only consume 1/2 of a beer yet I drank something w/ Rum in it and did not wake up with even a slight hang-over.

Best answer:

Answer by bubblelator
the rule is usually the lighter IN COLOR the alcohol the less impact the next day

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BBC WALES WELSH TOWN TALES 2 DRUGS AND ALCOHOL RECOVERY WALES & UNITED KINGDOM – WELSH TOWN TALES Documentary series filmed over a year, following the stories of people living in and around Llanelli. This once-mighty industrial town struggles to survive the chill winds of recession. With bankruptcy looming, the local firm of Spencer Davies Engineering tries to stave off the receivers, Pembrey Airport attempts to expand the local tourist trade, and a different side of Llanelli is shown through the experience of one family who have lost a son to drugs. Heroin addiction is plaguing our society as heroin addicts have to fund their heroin habits. The path of addiction start much earlier on in someone’s life. Cigarettes are definitely a gateway drug and normally opens the door to cannabis. I really believe that cannabis is the most deceptive drug that there is. We all know that heroin kills people yet cannabis sends a message that it is an okay drug, well it is not. For most heroin users once the heroin is out of their system they then have to learn recovery techniques to overcome their habitual practises and remain consequence free from the drug. Yet when you give up cannabis the THC in the drug deposits itself in brain cells and you can suffer from flashbacks and panic attacks years later. Cannabis is not a safe drug…Cannabis is not a safe drug… Cannabis is not a safe drug….This video is designed to encourage you whether you live in Wales, England, Ireland , Scotland or anyone of those countries in the “United kingdom” or even mainland Europe. There


US storm's toll up to 6 dead as system heads east

Filed under: alcohol recovery

Volunteers distributed a holiday meal, clothes, and hygiene gift packages on Christmas morning in a holiday tradition started to give people new to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction an opportunity to be of service. Photo: Houston Chronicle …
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At a Crossroads

Filed under: alcohol recovery

Crossroads Rescue Mission operates a recovery program for men who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. It serves about 250 men a year, most from Cleveland County but some from surrounding counties and places as far away as New Jersey. The mission's …
Read more on Shelby Star


In Psychiatric Illness, Families Must Be Our First Responders

Filed under: alcohol recovery

… to show persistent changes in sleep, eating and hygiene; to say or do odd things that suggest their thinking is off, maybe hearing or seeing things others are not; to be moody or irritable or intolerant of the slightest of questions or statements …
Read more on The Atlantic


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