What Is the Best Way to Flush Your System From Meth?

Question by tanya e: what is the best way to flush your system from meth?
is there any real way to flush in a quicke or do i have do to it the long way?

Best answer:

Answer by TECHX69
Meth doesn’t “flush” out of your system. It can’t be masked. 3 to 4 days to test clean. Have you checked out “Faces of Meth” on the web? Meth is a NASTY drug, stop using before it chews you up and spits you out.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Man accused of cooking meth in Mustang faces additional drug charges

Filed under: the faces of meth

The 36-year-old Ypsilanti Township man arrested in October after police say they caught him cooking methamphetamine in the front seat of a Mustang convertible was arraigned on drug charges in the matter Tuesday. Jeremy David Bryant was charged with …
Read more on AnnArbor.com


9 meth busts in one year?

Filed under: the faces of meth

A TV reporter from Rochester made a comment about the horrible effects meth can have on a person — go Google “faces of meth” sometime and see how nasty it can be — and said we shouldn't go that route if we wanted to keep our teeth. My reply was …
Read more on Olean Times Herald


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