What Is Drug Use Anybody Know?

Question by DRAGON ☠: What is drug use anybody know?
Make it simple and short but not to short.


Best answer:

Answer by Amber B
anyone that uses or tries drugs.

Answer by Alisha
the term “Drug Use” refers to a person that habitually intakes any illegal narcotics such as marijuana, cocaine, lsd, etc.

City to consider drug law reform
He suggested that a similar approach of eliminating incarceration for personal-use quantities of drug possession in Portugal over a decade ago reduced problemaic drug use, overdose deaths and HIV infections and led to more drug users seeking voluntary …
Read more on Evanston Now

Heroin called 'mobile' drug
It's easier to score a $ 5 hit of heroin than a $ 100 pill, which is why usage and overdoses seem to be increasing, officials told 36 people Tuesday night at the Eleanor Kahle Senior Center in West Toledo. The group was gathered for a Block Watch meeting …
Read more on Toledo Blade

Prospect of testing will discourage drug use
The children, who were once thought to be raised in a safe and clean environment, would be less subjected to drugs, and parents would not have to worry about their children dying so young from drug use. Drug testing will prove to be beneficial to our …
Read more on Asbury Park Press

Whitney Houston died from cocaine use. Rip whitney — This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Related Cocaine Use Information…

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