What Is Alcoholism Treatment?
Question by abby j: What is alcoholism treatment?
My husband has been an alcoholic for three years and I have found research findings proving how alcohol affects brain function. I would like to find out how alcoholism can be treated. Please help me find him a good rehab center where he can get alcoholism treatment.
Best answer:
Answer by ana f
You have mentioned how alcoholism affects brain function. I am glad to inform you that the initiative you took to find out the effects of alcoholism is one of the best ways to treat addiction. Education is a powerful tool. Most alcoholics have no idea how much damage they are causing because of this dangerous and ‘unbreakable’ habit.
I suggest that you share with your husband whatever information you might find about alcoholism especially those about how to get alcoholism treatment. Knowing how alcohol can take its toll on his body functions may also convince him to stop drinking.
Overcoming alcoholism will not only require rehab treatment but also the support and understanding of family and friends. Oftentimes, when an alcoholic fails to admit his addiction, an intervention is done between him and his loved ones. This would make the alcoholic realize his problem and eventually accept the fact that he needs treatment.
Aside from undergoing rehab treatment and joining social organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous, self-control is also an effective alcoholism treatment. It would require commitment and discipline to lessen alcohol consumption. Although it may seem difficult for an alcoholic to abstain from drinking, his very self-control may just be the most effective way to make him stay sober.
I wish you and your husband the best.
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