What Happens if a Drug Intervention Fails?

Question by regina: What happens if a drug intervention fails?
My younger brother is addicted to crack. He doesn’t know that I’m aware of this. His ex-girlfriend Nina told me about it. She said that he smokes crack every single day in that old tree house in his best friend’s backyard. I think his addiction to crack is also the reason why they broke up. Anyway, I can’t allow my brother to go on with his little hobby. I think it’s also the reason why he is having some respiratory complications. I’m planning to do an intervention. The thing is, I’m a bit scared. What will happen if I fail?

Best answer:

Answer by heather
If a drug intervention fails, there is a huge possibility for things to get worse. If the intervention fails because your brother says no and you let him be, he will still be considered as a drug addict and he will continue to smoke crack. He will think that you’ve already given up on him and that it’s ok to go on with his “little hobby”. What to do if an intervention fails? Try again. Try and try and try and try until he realizes that he needs to stop. Lengthen your patience. Who knows? Maybe you’re the only one who can save him.

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