What Drugs Can Drug Dogs Detect, and Can They Sniff Out Perscription Pills?

Question by we take to the breeze…: What drugs can drug dogs detect, and can they sniff out perscription pills?

Best answer:

Answer by jim bo
. I think there are too many legal drugs. Looking at the web sites below, it looks like a dog has to be trained to just sniff out a few illegal drugs. There aren’t enough dogs and trainers to go after perscription stuff.
“…Our drug detector dogs are trained to find drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines (meth). Today a fully trained drug dog goes for almost $ 6,000, and bomb-detectors sell for over $ 9,000.”
“…They run through houses and slink through cars, sniffing out the five drugs they’re trained to find: meth, marijuana, cocaine, crack and heroin.” … “Once Flyer’s instinct was honed by training, he could track and find hashish, cocaine, crack cocaine, Ecstasy, heroin, certain prescription drugs, as well as money tainted with drug residue. ” .

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Possible meth explosion – Possible meth explosion.


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