What Does It Mean to “detox” Myself From Alcohol?

Question by Shawn B: What does it mean to “detox” myself from alcohol?
I been drinking heavily for the past couple of years like four locos, steel reserve, hurricane, and schlitz bull ice beers and I feel really nervous and shaky if I go all day without having a drink and I’m wondering what is involved if I say go somewhere to “detox” myself. Any advice anyone can give me is appreciated. I know I’v confess to my boss that I have this problem and the EAP department for the company I work for referred me to get counseling. I’m not sure what to expect when I go into my appointment as I never have gotten treatment yet, but feel like I need it. BTW, I’m a 26 year old guy who is living on his own by himself in a small apartment.

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer
I’m 14 and I have better lifestyle choices than you! Use that as motivation to stop acting like a silly goose!

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