What Do You Think the Sublime Lyrics “My Soul Will Have to Wait” Mean?

Question by .: What do you think the Sublime lyrics “My soul will have to wait” mean?

Best answer:

Answer by Ryan Bauer
Bradly Nowell – Rest In Peace – Was addicted to heroine, as we all later learned. Sometimes I wonder if there are legitimate significances to some of his unclear lyrics or are they just poetic words he scrawled down while high.

But if I had to guess, I think maybe it was Brads way of separating himself from death, as if he could make his soul wait or have command over his own life and direction. The song “Badfish” is all about his addictions: “Wont somebody get me off of this reef” in reference to being stranded, isolated and feeling alone. He knew he was going to die. He was aware of his choices; but his soul was gonna have to wait because he lived so fast and hard.


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