What Do the Bible and Quran Say About the Clouds?
Similarly We Shall raise up the dead perchance ye may remember.
Herein we have the sequences of events that are cloud, rain, dead land, and life of the dead land. The One who is capable to do this is in turn capable to raise up the dead man for the Day of Judgment.
The Quran is almost always reminding us with the afterlife.
This deep and important theological issue is not mentioned in the Bible.
The Wind fertilize the clouds.
Surah 30:48
It is Allah Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of His servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice!
Surah 13:12
It is He Who doth show you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope: it is He Who doth raise up the clouds, heavy with (fertilizing) rain!
Surah 15:22
And We send the winds fertilizing, then send down water from the cloud therewith providing you with water (in abundance) to drink, though ye are not the guardians of its stores.
These verses (30:48, 13:12 and 15:22) talk about the fertilized clouds. It was after the revelation of the Quran by 1300 years that Meteorologists discovered that clouds are negatively and positively charged. It is the role of the wind (as the Quran stated) to fertilize the clouds and leading then to rain.
The Unbelievers thinking is like many layers of darkness over each other.
Surah 24:40
Or (the Unbelievers’ state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! For any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!
The Scientific relation between clouds, hail and lightning.
Surah 24:43
Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, and then joins them together, then makes them into a heap (stack)? then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein hail is: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He Turns it away from whom He pleases. The vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight (nearly blinds the sight).
Meteorologists explore the details of cloud formation, structure, and function by using sophisticated equipments like planes, satellites, computers, balloons, etc. in order to study wind and its direction, to measure humidity and its variations, and to determine the levels and variations of atmospheric pressure.
The preceding verse, after mentioning clouds and rain, speaks about hail and lightning. Meteorologists have found that these cumulonimbus clouds, that shower hail, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000 ft (4.7 to 5.7 miles) like mountains, as the Quran said, “…And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky…”
This verse says “its lightning” in a reference to the hail? This means that hail is the major factor in producing lightning. Meteorologists today say that a cloud becomes electrified as hail falls through a region in the cloud of super cooled droplets and ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with a hailstone, they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the hailstone warmer than that of the surrounding ice crystals. When the hailstone comes in contact with an ice crystal, an important phenomenon occurs: electrons flow from the colder object toward the warmer object. Thus, the hailstone becomes negatively charged. The same effect occurs when super cooled droplets come in contact with a hailstone and tiny splinters of positively charged ice break off. These lighter positively charged particles are then carried to the upper part of the cloud by updrafts. The hail, left with a negative charge, falls towards the bottom of the cloud, thus the lower part of the cloud becomes negatively charged. These negative charges are then discharged as lightning. It may be concluding from this that hail is the major factor in producing lightning. This information about lightning given by the Quran was only discovered after the revelation of the Quran by 1300 years.
Back to the main issue of my series of articles; this is my question to you smart readers: “Is the Quran quoted from the Bible and which book preceded the sciences”?
Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology,
Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Unit,
Ain-Shams University. Cairo, Egypt.
President of the Egyptian Society of Inventors.
Member of the Egyptian union of Writers
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