What Can I Do About My Low Self Esteem/depression?

Question by : What can I do about my low self esteem/depression?
Okay, I’m 15 and I honestly hate myself. I’m skinny, thank God, but I’m no good at any sports, musical instruments, or anything I’ve done. And I’m pretty shy.
I enjoy soccer but I’m so bad at it and there are so many kids who are much much better than me. I completely fail at football as I can’t catch a ball to same my life, and I can’t shoot a basket or dribble to save my life in basket ball. I don’t see anything good in myself at all and all the other guys pretty much think I’m a loser…
My best friend (we are basically a couple) tells me to get help and to tell my parents, but I’ve tried and I get too nervous to tell them. I feel so bad for her because I put her through all my crap and she worries about me and all I do is let her down… I wish that she would find some one who deserves her because she is amazing, but she still wants me and I don’t understand why… I want to get help but I am too nervous to tell them and even if I did, I have no clue what to say. And I’m not even sure if the depression medications would work, if I did get help, and if they did i don’t want to be happy because I am just being made delusional
When I get very depressed sometimes I’ll drink alcohol, which helps for a little bit but I feel worse after wards. My best friend is worried I’ll become an alcoholic… Please I need help.
It also doesn’t help that I don’t really care for mainstream music and whenever I talk about the music I like (Ska/punk) people just think I’m a freak.

Best answer:

Answer by Christian Minister
Hurting people hurt others. It’s not you.. They are the ones who have a problem. People/parents do mean things or lie to manipulate. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. You have to look at the agenda and not just the words. Abuse is anything and words that are not uplifting so forget what truth is being used right then. Remember -THEY actually get high on being mean, and thats why they do it, they are wrong about everything.

When you or the parent has been exposed to bad family, occult books, drugs, or is simply not a Christian, then an attack can occur. Things such as being abusive, or any of these can start- Bullying, Anorexia, Cutting, OCD, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, hearing voices. You can talk to me or google “emotional abuse” Knowing the truth is the step to freedom from pain. A shrink does not want to admit to demonic influence, hallucinations, emotions or Jesus Christ. So the parent becomes abusive and the children get sick with so called non existent mental Illnesses, but it can be stopped.

Psychiatrists all commit fraud in that there is zero science in what they do. They do not draw blood to test for imbalances. For chemical imbalances no test exists. There is no conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like to date. “When anyone states that “depression” or any other psychiatric diagnosis ” is a chemical brain-based problem that medications normalize, they lie absolutely”. –Wayne K. Goodman, MD FDA

Remember sickness can be a spiritual problem – new age books and abuse attract hallucinations mistaken as Illness.

Google online “Emotional Abuse”=Realize its their problem.
Google- Diet Depression Soda Thyroid
Google-“Sinners prayer”- learn that heaven awaits you
Google- “Deliverance Prayers”

God wants you to know truth- then forgive those who abused you.
http://www.heartless-bitches.com/rants/manipulator/emotional_abuse.shtml – You will realize it all Best site…
http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Emotional-Abuse-from-Your-Parents-%28for-Adolescents%29 -Abuse from parent

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b30iwhEw9ho See real docs explain what shrinks do.

Source–Past experience of this on a regular basis- without meds. Personal Involvement with NME nationwide psych chain.
Talk to me anytime.

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