What Are the Signs of an Alcoholic

What Are the Signs of an Alcoholic

There has been much written on this subject and there are many differing opinions about recovery. I have no qualifications in addiction and I am not a doctor but I have personal experience when it comes to Alcoholism and finding recovery.

So, what are the signs of an alcoholic, there are many, and usually the Alcoholic knows he or she has a problem but refuses to accept it, denial sets in and justification for drinking continues. When an Alcoholic drinks usually he cannot stop, even if he want to stop he can not and will end up drunk this is just one of the signs of an alcoholic. Most people when they drink enjoy the taste and the social interaction that goes with it, however if the person has alcoholic tendencies he will become unsociable and will usually end up in some kind of trouble, either with his family, friends or the police.

Many alcoholics will justify there drinking, I know from experience that I would say “i deserve a drink i have been at work all day”, problem here is most alcoholics with say that Monday to Friday and drink every day of the week, so you can see the signs of an alcoholic are there for everybody to see and usually other people can see the signs except the person suffering from the addiction.


Other signs of an alcoholic are lack of interest in any other activity unless alcohol is involved, they will become selfish and at times deceitful and will always put alcohol first,.at this stage of alcoholism the whole family begins to suffer and they are often left feeling hurt and angry. As we have said there are many signs of an alcoholic and it is best if we bullet point some of the most obvious ones.

– Drinking everyday, this does not have to be morning drinking, a person who drink every day usually but not always has some kind Of dependency.

– When drinking the person has a complete change of character and can often become verbally or physically violent

– Sweating and shaking when they wake up after sleep. They will usually look for another drink to steady their nerves.

– Total lack of interest in anything other than alcohol

– Hiding drink in the house or even in the shed or garden

– Getting in to trouble with the police resulting is court appearances

– If they are unable to get drink they can become very moody and bad tempered

These are just a few of the signs of an alcoholic and if you see these then the person you are worried about will probably need help. One thing we must remember is that recovery is possible no matter how far the person has gone, the signs of an alcoholic are not always this obvious as they can be very secretive and hide the amount of alcohol they are taking but a partner will usually know they have a problem. If you are worried about somebody who is showing the signs of an alcoholic the best thing to do is talk to them is a calm manner, there is no point shouting and arguing ultimately the person showing the signs of an alcoholic has to accept they have a problem and seek help.

Alcoholism and Drug addiction is the cause of many deaths and can have long lasting emotional affects on the addicts family and friends. For more information and help go to Drug And Alcoholism Recovery


Article from articlesbase.com

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