What Are the Pros and Cons of a 24 Hour Lemon Water Cleanse?

Question by Beach gal: What are the pros and cons of a 24 hour lemon water cleanse?
I was wondering if anyone’s ever done it and if so what it was like! I’m gonna do one tomorrow for the first time! I’m going to skip working out because of it tomorrow, but I also have work from 12-5 (I’m a teenager who works retail haha)

Best answer:

Answer by ClickMaster
PROS: None
CONS: Waste of time. Makes people think you’re stupid.

“Detox” is short for detoxification and detoxification is a natural process involving your liver and kidneys and there is nothing you can do to effect it. It is impossible to detoxify a human once the toxin is in the blood with the possible exception of kidney dialysis, kelation therapy, and other expensive medical modalities. Currently “detox” is a faddist word, relatively meaningless, and is used to express that which the users cannot otherwise express because of ignorance or because the expression would be patently false.

Detox diets, cleanses, and supplements don’t work. There is no diet which will cause your body to get rid of toxins, heavy metals, poisonous by-products from smoking, drugs, etc. And cleanses for the purpose of weight loss don’t work because they can only eliminate water and small amounts of waste which the body will replace very quickly.

Check out these reliable references. Listen to experts, not a random bunch of strangers of unknown credibility in this and other forums. Here’s what the experts have to say about cleanses.

Article excerpt: “Colon Cleansing Has No Health Benefit, May Harm”
Ref: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_114876.html

Article excerpt: “Although the reports show little evidence of any benefit, many studies reported side effects. These include cramping, bloating, nausea, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, and kidney failure.”
Ref: http://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20110801/colon-cleansing-may-be-risky-study-finds

Article excerpt: “The main concerns with colon cleansing are that it can: Increase your risk of dehydration, lead to bowel, perforations, increase the risk of infection, cause a rise in your electrolytes, which can be dangerous if you have kidney disease or heart disease.”
Ref: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/colon-cleansing/AN00065

Article excerpt: “fasting has many negative side effects, including all the symptoms that go along with malnutrition: insomnia, cravings, nausea, depressed mood, hair loss… the list goes on.”
Ref: http://maddieruud.hubpages.com/hub/Master-Cleanse-Lemonade-Diet

Article excerpt:”Colon cleansing is a dubious and almost always useless procedure”
Ref: http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/colon-cleanses-a-load-of-you-know-what/

Article excerpt: “The human body can defend itself very
well against most environmental insults and the effects of occasional indulgence. If you ’re generally healthy, stick to giving your body what it needs to maintain its own detox system— a healthful diet, adequate fluid intake, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and all recommended medical check-ups. Don’ waste your money…follow a healthy, balanced lifestyle instead.”
Ref: http://www.lee-county.com/gov/dept/HumanResources/Wellness_Newsletters/Aug%2008.pdf

Article excerpt: “A day on a detox diet program probably won’t hurt you, but there’s little point in following these restrictive diets – and they can do far more harm than good, says Michelle May, MD,”
Ref: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=64306

Article excerpt: “Detox diets are a waste of time and money, say scientists”
Ref: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article784402.ece

Your body cleanses itself naturally. And cleanses, purges, emetics, enemas, alternative and homeopathic colon cleanses etc. cannot remove fat from your body or make your body lose fat and/or toxins. If fat is your problem, you’re eventually going to realize that nothing works except a proper diet for life or surgery. The best diet for all normal adults hasn’t changed. It is still a varied, balanced, nutritious, and properly apportioned diet of high quality foods.

Detoxification is a fad and a fantasy only. If you have reason to believe you’re toxic, consult with your doctor. Don’t waste your time paying attention to advertising hype, naturopathic gurus, homeopathic charlatans, etc. The road to good health is paved with science. If you or someone you love gets deathly ill, you will take them to a place where medical science is practiced. So, where is the sense in abandoning medical science in favor of baseless and unscientific methods of quacks and charlatans.

Good luck and good health!!

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