What Are the Possible Effects on the Economy of Drug Legalization?

Question by Deuce: What are the possible effects on the economy of drug legalization?
This is for legalization of all drugs (marijuana, cocaine, crack, ecstatsy, heroin, opium, etc…) What will the economic effects (benfits vs. costs) be? Take into consideration countries where marijuana and other drugs are legal.

Best answer:

Answer by hick k
Legalization of all drugs would Anglo country like America, UK would cause more deaths from the use of crack, cocaine espeically because those drugs are complusive type use in nature, and lawsuits from companies providing these drugs would clog up the court system with lawsuits from death using these products. The benefit would be tax dollars saved from jailing drug offenders, and would leave police officers to perform more perventive policing to prevent bigger crimes, and lead to better traffic enforcment. Private Jail industry in America would hate legalization because you cut into thier profit margins. I personally think Marijuana should be legal from personal expierence seeing 60 yr old men toking for the last 30 to 40 years, and they never committed robbery, murder for pot, and they worked regular and paid taxes. The other drugs are too dangerous to be legal becaue the potiental of dealth just trying those drugs once. Netherlands legalize all drugs, but thier society and culture does not got the legal system like Anglo countries with sue happy lawyers.

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