What All Is Entailed in a Outpatient Rehab?

Question by Frank S: what all is entailed in a outpatient rehab?
how many days a week. what kind of questions do they ask?

Best answer:

Answer by loke956
once a week and they ask like how many times you use a week and stuff like that

Answer by Victoria
I’m assuming this is for substance abuse !??
Well they probably will ask you everything – and if you honestly want help, then it would be in your best interest to answer as honestly as you can. If, on the other hand, you just HAVE to go, you might want to be very careful with what you say. Remember tho that these people are professional and deal with this sort of thing every day. They not only do see thru alot of B.S. – but unfortunately sometimes become somewhat embittered behind it – meaning they don’t believe alot of what the patient is saying,k and tend to catagorize ALL with a PROBLEM.
As far as hours for out-pt. That could be anything from an hour a week to “day-Treatment” which is like monday thru friday, 5 hours a day.. There are lots of hour options available with that, depending on where you live, and what you need.

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