Video: Notebook: RX Drugs
Video: Notebook: RX Drugs
Prescription drug abuse has become America’s fastest growing drug problem. Katie Couric notes that these days, gateway drugs are just as likely to come in plastic vials as plastic bags.
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Mass. cracks down on prescription drug abuse
State health officials have approved a plan to crack down on drug addicts who go from doctor to doctor trying to get prescription medications. Prescription drug – Drug abuse – Drug addiction – Health – United States
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Mass. to create drug database
Prescription drug abuse is rampant but state officials say they have found a way to cut some addicts off at the source.
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Teen Drug Abuse of Cough Medicine
One in 10 American teenagers has abused cough or cold medicines with DXM to get high, making it more popular in that age group than cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, and meth. Parents and teens need to know the risks and dangers of DXM abuse.
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