Understanding Alcohol Addiction
Understanding Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is not an overnight issue, it happens after prolonged periods of intoxication and ends up being used as an excuse to get through the stress of daily life. It is believed in some circles that the cause may be a chemical imbalance in the body of the alcoholic. People who don’t have the tools to deal with their stress in an effective manner may turn to alcohol to find the relief and get though their day. Peer pressure and depression along with a low self esteem boost the addiction and the alcoholic begins to drink more.
If you know someone who can’t stop drinking once he has started, that is a sure sign he may be addicted to alcohol. An addict usually chooses to drink alone and will frequently hide his alcohol addiction. He will begin to develop a physical alcohol addiction to the alcohol as well. An addict will only have one thing on his mind: how, where, and when he will find his next drink. It is no longer done for pleasure but a virtual physical need to keep him functioning properly through the day without withdrawal setting in.
Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction
Addicts will not only have the physical alcohol addiction anymore, they will show a mental attachment to the disease and frequently claim there is no problem at all. Physical symptoms of an alcohol addict include black outs, slurred speech, dizziness, and weight loss. They may become red in the face and frequently show signs of clumsyness. An addict may begin to feel numbness in his feet or hands and frequently complain of upset stomach. These latter symptoms usually occur when the withdrawal from the alcohol has begun to show its affect on the body.
The mental part of alcohol addiction has another set of symptoms that include irritability, emotional outbreaks, and inability to stop drinking. Once a person has been drinking over an extended period of time, it takes much more alcohol for him to get under control. Many addicts finally lose the ability to keep a job or even have time to be with friends or family
People with alcohol addiction tend to drink alone and many choose to drink in secret whenever the possibility arises so they can hide their addiction from others. You may find hidden stashes and their relationships will start to fall apart and they will have no control over it or even eventually begin to lose interest altogether.
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