The Main Steps Involved in the Rehabilitation Treatment in Georgia

The rehabilitation treatment in Georgia is definitely one of the most elaborate forms of addiction treatment programs in the state. This treatment program is a complete program that includes both medicinal and non medicinal approaches in order to effectively bring the person out from the addiction into a fully recovered sober life. Naturally, this is not possible without concerted efforts and a systematic plan to make it happen. That is the reason why the rehabilitation treatment in Georgia works through a well laid out plan, which makes provisions for all the important elements that a suitable treatment program must require.

Though each treatment center in Georgia has their own approach towards rehabilitation treatment and there are definitely subtle differences in the ways different treatment plans work, the basic outline is more or less the same. The three main steps that are involved in any program for rehabilitation treatment in Georgia are the intervention, the detoxification and then the aftercare. Let us see in somewhat detail how these three arms of the program work.

The Intervention Process

Some people might not consider the intervention to be an active part of the treatment program, but it is definitely a vital element and a major part of the overall rehabilitation process. Basically, the intervention program is the phase of the treatment where the patient is not yet sure that he or she requires a treatment for their condition and is not willing to consider any options for the same. An intervention helps them to realize the seriousness of their condition and convinces them to get into some kind of treatment suitable to their condition.

Mostly, an intervention is carried out by the family of the patient because they have the most capacity to influence the patient. An intervention specialist may help the family. They may guide people from the family in what they must do and say to the patient so that they can bring them out of their denial. This is done by preparing various motivational speeches and speaking them out to the patient. Being people of the same family, the intervention group must also reassure the patient that they love them and want them to become addiction-free and live a meaningful life. Hence, the family helps the patient overcome the denial through encouragement and a display of genuine affection.

The Detoxification Process

Detoxification happens usually as the first part of the total treatment program. When the patient is detoxified the main aim there is to make the body of the patient free from all the toxins that may have lodged themselves in various parts of the body because of the addiction. This is certainly not an easy thing to do. The patient is first made to totally abstain from the substance.

In some time, which will depend on the nature and the extent of the person’s use of the substance, the body will begin to react, which will mostly be a measure of how strongly the body wants the person to take more of the substance. This will happen usually in 1 or 2 days after the substance consumption has been stopped. This aggressive reaction of the body is known as the withdrawal.

One of the most important parts of the detox program is to make the body come to terms with these withdrawal symptoms. This is done through a carefully planned out medicinal therapy, which again depends on the kind of the addiction the person is into.

The Aftercare Process

This will always follow the detox program in Georgia. While the detoxification program is a program for cleansing the body of the person, the aftercare treatment program is usually to maintain the treatment and to condition the mind into giving up the substance completely. This might take several weeks to several months depending on how heavily the person has been into the addiction.

The usual components of the aftercare that follows a rehabilitation treatment program in Georgia is to make the person understand the factors that might cause a re-addiction and to help them to avoid those factors from influencing them. They are also trained in various therapies that they can use in order to keep the temptation for the substance at bay.

One more important constituent of the aftercare program in Georgia is the inclusion of the family of the patient for the counseling process. Families are coached on how they can effectively deal with the addiction treatment for the patient and how they can monitor the person’s condition after they are back home, especially paying attention to avoiding the elements that can cause a relapse.

Visit rehabilitation treatment in Georgia in order to read more on this subject and others related to addiction treatment in the state.

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