Crack Cocain

Overdosed: 'When People Start Dying in These Numbers … It Really Gets

Overdosed: 'When people start dying in these numbers … it really gets
Within one week last month, Charlestown police charged a 52-year-old nurse at Narragansett High School with heroin possession after police say they found her unconscious in a car parked outside a liquor store with a crack… Continue reading

Trinidad Tobago – My Name Is David Bibby – Trailer

Trinidad Tobago – My name is David Bibby – Trailer — We present the first 9 minutes of our production “Trinidad Tobago – My name is David Bibby” (27:59) Production Date: 2011 Duration: 27:59 Copyright : CRTN La…

Nurses help addicts inject heroin at controversial clinic battling H.I.V.
Over the… Continue reading

Three Charged After Scarfe Avenue Drug Raid

Three charged after Scarfe Avenue drug raid
Officers seized 25.8 grams of crack cocaine with a street value of $ 2,580, 15.2 grams of methamphetamine valued at $ 2,280, 1.6 grams of cocaine valued at $ 160 and $ 80 in cash as proceeds of crime. Gerrit John Gabel, 22,… Continue reading

Heroin Use, and Deaths, on the Rise in North Carolina

Heroin use, and deaths, on the rise in North Carolina
In 2008, overdose deaths from opioid prescription drugs accounted for more than heroin and cocaine combined, the CDC reported in 2011. Public health officials say the resulting crackdown on pills has driven up the price and helped fuel the …… Continue reading

Revealed: The Figures That Lay Bare the Shocking Increase in Mephedrone in Wales

Revealed: The figures that lay bare the shocking increase in mephedrone in Wales
Five years ago there was just a single referral to drugs treatment services for so called M-Cat use – since implicated in a string of suicides. But last year the … Referrals for narcotics including heroin, crack,… Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction? Help Please?

Question by brilili: cocaine addiction? Help please?
My boyfriend hadn’t used cocaine a lot. probably like once or twice. but for a whole month he snorted it every single day. Now i’m trying to make him stop. He says he’s not addicted but i think he is bcuz he doesnt… Continue reading

Holistic Drug Rehab | Hawaii Island Recovery

Holistic Drug Rehab | Hawaii Island Recovery — Holistic drug therapy is offered at Hawaii Island Recovery. We provide acupuncture, acupressure, reiki, massage and other…

Man faces charges in beating at Oakwood
Ruffin had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and has abused crack cocaine, alcohol and… Continue reading

Jailed: Drug Dealers Found Trading Crack Cocaine and Heroin in Popular Ely Lane

Jailed: drug dealers found trading crack cocaine and heroin in popular Ely lane
“These men were involved in highly-addictive and destructive drugs in a lane used by innocent members of public going about their business,” he said. “Hopefully these sentences will reassure the community that we do take action where… Continue reading

FDA Approves Easy-to-Use Drug Antidote

FDA approves easy-to-use drug antidote
Attorney General Eric Holder also weighed in on heroin abuse Thursday, telling a Senate committee that the government needs to deal differently with the heroin epidemic than it did with the crack cocaine crisis decades ago, when police focused on large …
Read more on… Continue reading

'Lollibaby' the Bird Slowly Recovering From Meth House

'Lollibaby' the bird slowly recovering from meth house
Lollibaby still has a lot of missing feathers on her chest. Eventually, the pet shop believes she may grow those back. One Stop Pet Shop is working to raise awareness of the impact meth has on animals. The store is also selling… Continue reading

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