Associated Press

Drug Confession


Drug confession – Olympic medalist Matthew Mitcham has confessed he was addicted to crystal meth See more at


Substance abuse major trigger for serial rapist

Filed under: addiction to crystal meth

During his trial in 2005, after which he was sentenced to three years in prison for… Continue reading

2nd Gen Twin Turbo Cummins Burnout


2nd Gen Twin Turbo cummins burnout – My buddies twin turbo’d water meth injected cummins doing a burnout at the annual turkey burns.


Phoenix mother in custody, accused of injecting her 5-year-old daughter with

Filed under: meth injected

PHOENIX — A Phoenix woman is in custody for… Continue reading

Special Report: Heroin in the Suburbs


Special Report: Heroin in the Suburbs – SPECIAL REPORT — It’s considered one of the most dangerous illicit drugs on the market. Still, that hasn’t stopped heroin use from surging in the Miami Vall…


Minn. doctors on front lines in prescription drug abuse

Filed under: heroin abuse

DULUTH,… Continue reading

Treating Drug Addiction | Rehab After Work | Philadelphia, PA (215) 342-4400


Treating Drug Addiction | Rehab After Work | Philadelphia, PA (215) 342-4400 – Treating drug addiction in a safe, comfortable environment. During the client’s initial appointment or evaluation, we ca…


Moffat Official Finishes Substance Abuse Rehab

Filed under: drug addiction rehab

(AP) — Moffat County Commissioner John… Continue reading

Why Are They Letting So Many People Out of Jail in My Town/county?

Question by Erudite. 20 Jan 09. History!: Why are they letting so many people out of jail in my town/county?
They ( County Jail) have been ordered to let over 500 people out of jail due to cut backs and over crowding. ( Macomb county michigan) Now if one… Continue reading

Hope for Muslim Addicts and Alcoholics in Arabic and English


Hope for Muslim addicts and alcoholics in Arabic and English – Alec Berry, US-born Lebanese-American recovering addictions therapist, offers words of hope and advice for Muslims who suffer from Alcoholism and other drug …


Believe Offers Complete Holistic Care for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Ensures

Filed under:… Continue reading

Does Meth Change Your Life Forever?

Question by Heatherette: Does meth change your life forever?
Not physically, but mentally?

Even after a meth user has quit, is their life ever really the same psychologically? A few months ago, some very close people in my life had started using. They say they’ve been clean for about… Continue reading

Medical Marijuana Use and Consequences…?

Question by Plogsties: Medical marijuana use and consequences…?
The following appeared in the medical literature:

“Physicians Who Use Marijuana are ‘Unsafe to Practice’
Kate Johnson
Oct 29, 2012

Albuquerque Police Fight Meth


Albuquerque Police Fight Meth – The Albuquerque Police Department has many ways they are fighting the meth epidemic. Take a look to see what they’re doing.


NIC Management Discusses Q1 2013 Results – Earnings Call Transcript

Filed under: meth epidemic

This quarter in Montana, our portal is doing… Continue reading

Supporters Fight to Keep Local Drug Rehab Center Open


Supporters Fight to Keep Local Drug Rehab Center Open – DAYTON — Budget cuts are forcing a federally funded drug rehab center in the Miami Valley to close its doors. The Center for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction S…


Spokane Valley drug rehab center angers sheriff

Filed under: drug… Continue reading

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