Sugar/fats/oil Abuse Worse Than Marijuana?

If somone had never heard of either Cannabis or Sugar/fats/oils before in their life, and I showed them a highly accurate and detailed report of both substances how many people do you think would say bad food is way worse for you than cannabis??

I think the numbers would be overwhelmingly in favor of cannabis being better for you… Please keep in mind though the diffrence between abuse and use.

Let me clear up some Stuff as well. Sugar less addictive than weed? thats hard to belive, less than 1% of cannabis users develope a physical or mental addiction to Marijuana. While i don’t have statistics for sugar i can allmost garentee more kids/adults these days are addictied to sugar far more than they are to weed.

I am a person who has done MDMA(Ecstasy) meth, weed, coke, lsd, shrooms, dmt, alcohol, tabbaco, and i can honestly say giving up bad foods was the 1 thing i cannot do. And not im not obese or eat a TON its just i need them, its serously the only thing ive been addicted too.
Cannabis has worse effects over time? That’s debatable… diabetes, obesity, rotting teeth, gastrointestinal cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, low levels of physical activity all sound serous to me…

While cannabis has about 2-4X more cancer causing components than Cigarettes, studies show long term abuse of cannabis is unlikely to cause cancer of the lungs or upper airways. They suspect that tobacco only causes cancer because of the radioactive soil and nicotine. Also I might add an average marijuana smoker only needs 2-5 “hits” to get high while a cigarette smoker may smoke a Pack(!) a day and 1 cigarette alone will be more smoke than a marijuana smokes in 1 day.

I’m not saying cannabis is healthy I’m just saying sugar can and most likely is worse than cannabis if abused even If the marijuana smoker is an extremely heavy user.

and yes about 50% of america abuses it allready(bad foods)

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