Sugar Is My Crack…how Do I Get Over It Before I Turn Into a Blob of Fat?

Question by Ava: Sugar is my crack…how do I get over it before I turn into a blob of fat?
I’m a very healthy eater, I’ve never liked sodas or fried foods (much) and I eat lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, etc.

However I also eat TONS of sugar. For example a normal person might buy a pack of Oreos and eat 3-10 (I’m guessing). I’ll buy a pack of double-stuff, a pint of ice cream, a minature cake, and a candy bar and eat them all within 24 hrs or less. I often have eaten 12 cookies from subway, a dozen doughnuts, a half gallon of ice cream all at once.

I’m not fat, but I’m getting there…I think I have a problem, when I try to abstain from sweets I get incredibly irritable. As soon as I have something sweet I’m happy.

How do I stop…and don’t say just stop, if it were that easy I would gave done it already 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Freddy
Little by little set small goals, like eating one less cookie from subway before you know it you will kick you’re “addiction”

Answer by joe714
maybe you aren’t eating enough healthy foods and your body wants more calories.
stuff yourself with fruit and healthy foods so that you don’t want to eat anything else.
example:i had 6 bananas and raisins for breakfast so i have enough calories until my next meal.

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