Strengthening the Public Mental Health Addictions Safety Net

Linda Rosenbergl

Mental Healthl
Nov 18, 2010

Addressing the Need to Help Those With Schizophrenia

There has been a large push to increase and improve the care given to those with schizophrenia. A new program aims to focus on tactics that will increase patients’ independence, reduce stigma and broaden the understanding of a serious and complex mental illness.

Linda Rosenbergl

Mental Healthl
Nov 18, 2010

Election 2010: Implications for Federal Addiction and Mental Health Policy

As the dust settles from the recent mid-term elections, we can begin to determine how this congressional shift will affect our communities in terms of mental health policy and funding. What can we expect as we move forward?

Linda Rosenbergl

Mental Healthl
Nov 11, 2010

How to Help Someone Going Through a Mental Health Crisis

Knowing someone who is going through a mental health crisis can be difficult, especially if you feel as if there is nothing you can do to help. With the following strategies and tips, you will learn that there is a lot you can do to help, even if that means just being there to listen.

Linda Rosenbergl

Mental Healthl
Nov 04, 2010

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Offers Much-Needed Assistance

Suicide is much too prevalent in our society, and it is important to give people the resources needed to combat this issue. The establishment of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention offers more options – including strong federal support –

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