Stop the Chaos is a straightforward, practical, effective guide to recovery. Written for anyone who needs information and guidance about alcohol and other drug addiction, including those concerned about a loved one’s alcohol or other drug use, Stop the Chaos answers such questions as: Is there a problem? How serious is it? What can be done about it? Clients who are not sure if a problem exists and those in early recovery gain awareness, understanding, motivation, and tools to overcome addiction-
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List Price: $ 11.96
Only Mortals Can Be Heroes is a true story about a young boy, Adam Weaver, who experiences the pleasures and pains of the drug culture. Adam’s adventure describes how he started drugging at age 12 because he wanted to fit in with his peers. After marijuana and beer came Ritalin, Oxycontin, Ecstasy, LSD, uppers, downers, cocaine and heroin– and everything in between. The story is punctuated with a cocaine overdose at age 16 and a heroin overdose a few years later. The book winds it way around t
Rating: (out of 12 reviews)
List Price: $ 23.95
Price: $ 95.01
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