Stay Safe, Stay Strong the Facts About Nuclear Weapons (1960) [DVD] – the Atomic Bomb, Radiation Sickness & the Negative Effects of Nuclear Radiation [Vintage American Propaganda Film]
Stay Safe, Stay Strong The Facts About Nuclear Weapons (1960) [DVD] – The Atomic Bomb, Radiation Sickness & The Negative Effects of Nuclear Radiation [Vintage American Propaganda Film]
- Title: Stay Safe, Stay Strong The Facts About Nuclear Weapons
- Run time: 22:43
- Audio/Visual: Sound, Color
This film was produced in order to educate U.S. Air Force members about atomic bombs. Through a combination of animation and stock footage of actual bomb tests, the bombs themselves are thoroughly explained and described. The film then sets out to dispel the “myth” that atomic bombs can be dangerous in peacetime. In a striking example of American propaganda, the film shows various situations during which a bomb might be dropped or otherwise damaged during peaceable transport and reassures the au
List Price: $ 79.92
Price: $ 4.99