Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects on Shift Workers
falling. You can also get these types of things on CD’s. This will help substitute the traffic, and other daytime noise that would normally wake you, with a sound that will help you sleep.
Last but not least is diet. Make sure you are not eating or drinking anything that might contain caffeine, high sugar content, or any other type of stimulant before bedtime. For some people this could be as much as four hours or more before bed.
It might not be easy, but you should try to adjust your schedule to incorporate the things we have discussed here. Make the proper sleep environment, institute an exercise plan, and eat a healthy diet. Remember, it’s your health, and a proper rest is a big part of maintaining that health.
Let us help you put your sleep disorder to bed for good. For more
information on Sleep Disorders, and how they affect you life visit
You Can Sleep
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